Tsapkini, K., Webster, K. T., Ficek, B. N., Desmond, J. E., Onyike, C. U., Rapp, B., . . . Hillis, A. E. (2018). Electrical brain stimulation in different variants of primary progressive aphasia: A randomized clinical trial. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions, 4, 461--472.
Themistocleous, C., Ficek, B., Webster, K. T., Wendt, H., Hillis, A. E., Den Ouden, D. B., & Tsapkini, K.(2018). Acoustic markers of PPA variants using machine learning.Paper presented at the Front Hum Neurosci. Conference Abstract: Academy of Aphasia 56th Annual Meeting.
Rofes, A., Mandonnet, E., de Aguiar, V., Rapp, B., Tsapkini, K., & Miceli, G. (2018). Language processing from the perspective of electrical stimulation mapping. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 1--23.
Riello, M., Faria, A. V., Ficek, B. N., Webster, K. T., Onyike, C. U., Desmond, J., . . . Tsapkini, K.(2018). The role of language severity and education in explaining performance on object and action naming in primary progressive aphasia. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 10, 346.
Peristeri, E., Tsimpli, I. M., Sorace, A., & Tsapkini, K.(2018). Language interference and inhibition in early and late successive bilingualism. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 21(5), 1009--1034.
Oeltzschner, G., Snoussi, K., Puts, N. A., Mikkelsen, M., Harris, A. D., Pradhan, S., . . . Edden, R. A. E. (2018). Effects of eddy currents on selective spectral editing experiments at 3T. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 47(3), 673--681.
Ficek, B. N., Wang, Z., Zhao, Y., Webster, K. T., Desmond, J. E., Hillis, A. E., . . . Tsapkini, K.(2018). The effect of tDCS on functional connectivity in primary progressive aphasia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 19, 703--715.
Vander Woude, A. (2017). Connected Language in Primary Progressive Aphasia: Testing the Utility of Linguistic Measures in Differentially Diagnosing PPA and its Variants.
Tsapkini, K., Webster, K., Ficek, B. N., Desmond, J., Onyike, C., Rapp, B., . . . Hillis, A. E. (2017). Transcranial direct current stimulation in primary progressive aphasia: Whom does it help? Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 10(4), e40.
Sebastian, R., Saxena, S., Tsapkini, K., Faria, A. V., Long, C., Wright, A., . . . others. (2017). Cerebellar tDCS: A novel approach to augment language treatment post-stroke. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 10, 695.
Webster, K. T., Chakravarty, T., Ficek, B., Onyike, C., Frangakis, C. F., Hillis, A. E., & Tsapkini, K.(2016). Electrostimulation Effects in lvPPA and nfvPPA.Paper presented at the ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY.
Tsapkini, K., Webb-Vargas, Y., Faria, A., Ficek, B., Chakravarty, T., Frangakis, C., . . . Hillis, A. (2016). imaging tdcs effects in primary progressive aphasia: o10. Journal of Neurochemistry, 138, 239.
Tsapkini, K., Chakravarty, T., Ficek, B., Webster, K., Desmond, J., Onyike, C., . . . Hillis, A. (2016). electrostimulation effects in the logopenic and non-fluent variants of primary progressive aphasia: p281. Journal of Neurochemistry, 138, 350--351.
Sebastian, R., Wright, A., Davis, C., Saxena, S., Tsapkini, K., Tippett, D. C., . . . Hillis, A. E. (2016). Cerebellar tDCS to Agument Chronic Aphasia Treatment.Paper presented at the ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY.
Sebastian, R., Tsapkini, K., & Tippett, D. C. (2016). Transcranial direct current stimulation in post stroke aphasia and primary progressive aphasia: current knowledge and future clinical applications. Neurorehabilitation, 39(1), 141--152.
Peristeri, E., Tsimpli, I. m., & Tsapkini, K.(2016). executive functions in non-fluent variant Ppa: A comparison to non-fluent post-stroke aphasia: p290. Journal of Neurochemistry, 138, 353--354.
Peristeri, E., Tsimpli, I. m., & Tsapkini, K.(2016). the effect of verbal working memory capacity in sentence comprehension: a comparison between non-fluent post-stroke aphasia and non-fluent variant Ppa: p291. Journal of Neurochemistry, 138, 354.
Peristeri, E., Tsimpli, I. m., Jarema, G., & Tsapkini, K.(2016). lexical representation and parsing of morphologically complex words in non-fluent variant Ppa and non-fluent post-stroke aphasia: p289. Journal of Neurochemistry, 138, 353.
Ficek, B. N., Chakravarty, T., Webster, K., Frangakis, C. F., Hillis, A. E., & Tsapkini, K.(2016). Does tDCS Affect Non-Treated Language and Cognitive Functions in Primary Progressive Aphasia?Paper presented at the ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY.
Tsapkini, K., Chakravarty, T., Webb-Vargas, Y., Lindquist, M., Frangakis, C., & Hillis, A. E. (2015). Effects of different language and tDCS interventions in PPA and their neural correlates. Frontiers in Psychology, 6.
Tippett, D. C., Hillis, A. E., & Tsapkini, K.(2015). Treatment of primary progressive aphasia. Current treatment options in neurology, 17(8), 34.
Hillis, A. E., & Tsapkini, K.(2015) Neuroanatomical aspects of reading.The Handbook of Adult Language Disorders (pp. 40--53): Psychology Press.
Breining, B. L., Lala, T., Martínez Cuitiño, M., Manes, F., Peristeri, E., Tsapkini, K., . . . Hillis, A. E. (2015). A brief assessment of object semantics in primary progressive aphasia. Aphasiology, 29(4), 488--505.
Tsapkini, K., Peristeri, E., Tsimpli, I. M., & Jarema, G. (2014). Morphological decomposition in Broca’s aphasia.Aphasiology, 28(3), 296--319.
Tsapkini, K., Frangakis, C., Gomez, Y., Davis, C., & Hillis, A. E. (2014). Augmentation of spelling therapy with transcranial direct current stimulation in primary progressive aphasia: preliminary results and challenges. Aphasiology, 28(8-9), 1112--1130.
Tippett, D. C., Sebastian, R., Davis, C., Gomez, Y., Newhart, M., Tsapkini, K., . . . Hills, A. E. (2014). Patterns of Decline on Language Testing in Primary Progressive Aphasia.
Breining, B., Lala, T., Tsapkini, K., Peristeri, E., Cuitiño, M. M. M., Manes, F., & Hillis, A. (2014). A Cross-Culturally Valid Assessment of Object Semantics (P6. 226). Neurology, 82(10 Supplement), P6--226.
Tsapkini, K., & Hillis, A. E. (2013). Spelling intervention in post-stroke aphasia and primary progressive aphasia. Behavioural neurology, 26(1, 2), 55--66.
Tsapkini, K., & Hillis, A. (2013). Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Treating Spelling Deficits in Primary Progressive Aphasia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 94, 207--208.
Race, D. S., Tsapkini, K., Crinion, J., Newhart, M., Davis, C., Gomez, Y., . . . Faria, A. V. (2013). An area essential for linking word meanings to word forms: evidence from primary progressive aphasia. Brain and Language, 127(2), 167--176.
Peristeri, E., Tsimpli, I.-M., & Tsapkini, K.(2013). The on-line processing of unaccusativity in Greek agrammatism. Applied Psycholinguistics, 34(2), 233--276.
Peristeri, E., & Tsapkini, K.(2013). Language-specific Vs. Domain-general Cognitive Control Systems in Patients with Left-and Right-hemisphere Lesion. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 94, 96--97.
Jarso, S., Li, M., Faria, A., Davis, C., Leigh, R., Sebastian, R., . . . Hillis, A. E. (2013). Distinct mechanisms and timing of language recovery after stroke. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 30(7-8), 454--475.
Fyndanis, V., Varlokosta, S., & Tsapkini, K.(2013). (Morpho) syntactic comprehension in agrammatic aphasia: Evidence from Greek. Aphasiology, 27(4), 398--419.
Faria, A. V., Crinion, J., Tsapkini, K., Newhart, M., Davis, C., Cooley, S., . . . Hillis, A. E. (2013). Patterns of dysgraphia in primary progressive aphasia compared to post-stroke aphasia. Behavioural neurology, 26(1-2), 21--34.
Tsapkini, K., Vasconcellos-Faria, A., & Hillis, A. (2012). Neural Substrates of Spelling Mechanisms: Evidence from Primary Progressive Aphasia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 61, 311--312.
Peristeri, E., Tsimpli, I., & Tsapkini, K.(2012). Ambiguous Referential Processing in Broca's Aphasia: Evidence from Eyetracking. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 61, 271--272.
Lala, T., Tsapkini, K., Hillis, A., Mori, S., & Faria, A. (2012). Neuroanatomical Correlates of Error Rates on a Object Semantics Test (P02. 046). Neurology, 78(1 Supplement), P02--046.
Lala, T., Race, D., Tsapkini, K., & Hillis, A. (2012). Usefulness of a Short Form of the Pyramids and Palm Trees Test To Differentiate Variants of Primary Progressive Aphasia (P02. 044): American Academy of Neurology.
Fyndanis, V., Varlokosta, S., & Tsapkini, K.(2012). Agrammatic production: Interpretable features and selective impairment in verb inflection.Lingua, 122(10), 1134--1147.
Epstein-Peterson, Z., Vasconcellos Faria, A., Mori, S., Hillis, A. E., & Tsapkini, K.(2012). Relatively normal repetition performance despite severe disruption of the left arcuate fasciculus. Neurocase, 18(6), 521--526.
Tsapkini, K., Vindiola, M., & Rapp, B. (2011). Patterns of brain reorganization subsequent to left fusiform damage: fMRI evidence from visual processing of words and pseudowords, faces and objects. Neuroimage, 55(3), 1357--1372.
Tsapkini, K., Peristeri, E., & Jarema, G. (2011). Orthography and semantics in Broca's aphasia: Evidence from morphological processing.Paper presented at the Academy of Aphasia 2011.
Tsapkini, K., Frangakis, C. E., & Hillis, A. E. (2011). The function of the left anterior temporal pole: evidence from acute stroke and infarct volume. Brain, 134(10), 3094--3105.
Sepelyak, K., Crinion, J., Molitoris, J., Epstein-Peterson, Z., Bann, M., Davis, C., . . . Hillis, A. E. (2011). Patterns of breakdown in spelling in primary progressive aphasia. Cortex, 47(3), 342--352.
Peristeri, E., Tsimpli, I. M., & Tsapkini, K.(2011). Linguistic processing and executive control: Evidence for inhibition in Broca’s aphasia. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 23, 213--214.
Peristeri, E., & Tsapkini, K.(2011). A comparison of the BAT and BDAE-SF batteries in determining the linguistic ability in Greek-speaking patients with Broca's aphasia. Clinical linguistics & phonetics, 25(6-7), 464--479.
Tsapkini, K., Vlahou, C. H., & Potagas, C. (2010). Adaptation and validation of standardized aphasia tests in different languages: Lessons from the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination--Short Form in Greek. Behavioural neurology, 22(3-4), 111--119.
Tsapkini, K., & Rapp, B. (2010). The orthography-specific functions of the left fusiform gyrus: Evidence of modality and category specificity. Cortex, 46(2), 185--205.
Tsapkini, K., Dufor, O., Faria, A., Mori, S., & Hillis, A. (2010). Successful recovery of reading in the right fusiform despite intact left fusiform. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 6, 162--163.
Peristeri, E., Tsimpli, I.-M., & Tsapkini, K.(2010). The Processing of Unaccusativity by Eight Greek-speaking Agrammatic Patients. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 6, 176--177.
Paraskevopoulos, E., Tsapkini, K., & Peretz, I. (2010). Cultural aspects of music perception: Validation of a Greek version of the Montreal Battery of Evaluation of Amusias. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 16(4), 695--704.
Fyndanis, V., Varlokosta, S., & Tsapkini, K.(2010). Exploring wh-questions in agrammatism: Evidence from Greek. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 23(6), 644--662.
Apostolidou, M., Siatra, V., Gini, M., Masoura, E., Foroglou, N., & Tsapkini, K.(2010). Word Learning Ability is Correlated with Phonological Working Memory Improvement after Temporal Lobe Resection. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 6, 74--75.
Andreou, C., Tsapkini, K., Bozikas, V. P., Giannakou, M., Karavatos, A., & Nimatoudis, I. (2009). Effects of sentence context on lexical ambiguity resolution in patients with schizophrenia. Neuropsychologia, 47(4), 1079--1087.
Tsapkini, K., Vivas, A. B., & Triarhou, L. C. (2008). ‘Does Broca’s area exist?’: Christofredo Jakob’s 1906 response to Pierre Marie’s holistic stance. Brain and Language, 105(3), 211--219.
Christina, A., Tsapkini, K., Bozikas, V., Karavatos, A., Fokas, K., & Nimatoudis, I. (2008). Differential effects of sentence context on lexical ambiguity resolution in different subgroups of patients with schizophrenia. Annals of General Psychiatry, 7(1), S159.
Vivas, A. B., Tsapkini, K., & Triarhou, L. C. (2007). Etude sur la myelinisation des hemispheres cerebraux Etude sur la myelinisation des hemispheres cerebraux, 1900. Brain & development, 29(8), 455--461.
Vivas, A. B., Tsapkini, K., & Triarhou, L. C. (2007). Tafelwerk nebst Einfuhrung in die Geschichte der Hirnrinde Tafelwerk nebst Einfuhrung in die Geschichte der Hirnrinde, 1911. Brain & development, 29(8), 455--461.
Vivas, A. B., Tsapkini, K., & Triarhou, L. C. (2007). El Lobulo Frontal: Un Estudio Monografico Anatomoclinico sobre Base Neurobiologica El Lobulo Frontal: Un Estudio Monografico Anatomoclinico sobre Base Neurobiologica, 1-149, 1943. Brain & development, 29(8), 455--461.
Vivas, A. B., Tsapkini, K., & Triarhou, L. C. (2007). Die Cytoarchitektonik der Hirnrinde des Erwachsenen Menschen. Textband und Atlas mit 112 Mikrophotographischen Tafeln Die Cytoarchitektonik der Hirnrinde des Erwachsenen Menschen. Textband und Atlas mit 112 Mikrophotographischen Tafeln, 1925. Brain & development, 29(8), 455--461.
Vivas, A. B., Tsapkini, K., & Triarhou, L. C. (2007). Atlas des Gesunden und Kranken Nervensystems nebst Grundriss der Anatomie, Pathologie und Therapie Desselben Atlas des Gesunden und Kranken Nervensystems nebst Grundriss der Anatomie, Pathologie und Therapie Desselben II, 1899. Brain & development, 29(8), 455--461.
Vivas, A. B., Tsapkini, K., & Triarhou, L. C. (2007). Essay on the Cerebral Cortex Essay on the Cerebral Cortex, 1950. Brain & development, 29(8), 455--461.
Vivas, A. B., Tsapkini, K., & Triarhou, L. C. (2007). Gehirn und Seele. Zweite Auflage Gehirn und Seele. Zweite Auflage, 1896. Brain & development, 29(8), 455--461.
Vivas, A. B., Tsapkini, K., & Triarhou, L. C. (2007). Histological studies on the localisation of cerebral function Histological studies on the localisation of cerebral function, 1905. Brain & development, 29(8), 455--461.
Vivas, A. B., Tsapkini, K., & Triarhou, L. C. (2007). Tafelwerk nebst Einfuhrung in den Organisationsplan der Menschlichen Zentralnervensystems Tafelwerk nebst Einfuhrung in den Organisationsplan der Menschlichen Zentralnervensystems, 1911. Brain & development, 29(8), 455--461.
Vivas, A. B., Tsapkini, K., & Triarhou, L. C. (2007). ‘Anatomo-biological considerations on the centers of language’: An Argentinian contribution to the 1906 Paris debate on aphasia. Brain and Development, 29(8), 455--461.
Tsapkini, K., & Rapp, B. (2006). An investigation of the language functions of the left fusiform gyrus. Brain and Language, 1(99), 86--87.
Paraskevopoulos, E., Tsapkini, K., & Peretz, I. (2006). Cultural aspects of music perception.Paper presented at the Poster presented at the 9th congress on Music Perception and Cognition and full paper presented at the conference proceedings.
Kosmidis, M. H.,Tsapkini, K., & Folia, V. (2006). Lexical processing in illiteracy: Effect of literacy or education? Cortex, 42(7), 1021--1027.
Fyndanis, V., Tsapkini, K., Varlokosta, S., Petropoulou, K., & Papathanasiou, I. (2006). Negation in agrammatism: evidence from Greek. Brain and Language, 99(1-2), 162--163.
Andreou, C., Tsapkini, K., Bozikas, V., Papouliakos, I., Holeva, V., Fokas, K., & Karavatos, A. (2006). Differential effects of ambiguity type for word recognition. Annals of General Psychiatry, 5(1), S73.
Ypsilanti, A., Grouios, G., Alevriadou, A., & Tsapkini, K.(2005). Expressive and receptive vocabulary in children with Williams and Down syndromes. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49(5), 353--364.
Tsapkini, K., Dimos, O., & Katsarou, Z. (2005). Pure alexia without agraphia after a lesion at the right hemisphere: A case study. Brain and Language, 1(95), 239--240.
Emmanouel, A., Tsapkini, K., & Rudolph, J. (2005).Deep dyslexia in Greek: A case study. Brain and Language, 1(95), 233--234.
Tsapkini, K., Jarema, G., & Kehayia, E. (2004). Regularity re-revisited: Modality matters. Brain and Language, 89(3), 611--616.
Tsapkini, K., Jarema, G., & Di Sciullo, A.-M. (2004). The role of configurational asymmetry in the lexical access of prefixed verbs: Evidence from French. Brain and Language, 90(1-3), 143--150.
Kosmidis, M. H., Tsapkini, K., Folia, V., Vlahou, C. H., & Kiosseoglou, G. (2004). Semantic and phonological processing in illiteracy. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 10(6), 818--827.
Baayen, H., Baayen, R. H., Bastiaanse, R., Berent, I., Bölte, J., Borowsky, R., . . . others. (2004). Arduino, Lisa S., 318. Brain and Language, 90, 504.
Tsapkini, K., Jarema, G., & Kehayia, E. V. A. (2002). THE ROLE OF VERBAL MORPHOLOGY IN APHASIA DURING LEXICAL ACCESS. Clinical linguistics: Theory and applications in speech pathology and therapy, 227, 315.
Tsapkini, K., Jarema, G., & Kehayia, E. (2002). Regularity revisited: Evidence from lexical access of verbs and nouns in Greek. Brain and Language, 81(1-3), 103--119.
Tsapkini, K., Jarema, G., & Kehayia, E. (2002). A morphological processing deficit in verbs but not in nouns: A case study in a highly inflected language. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 15(3-5), 265--288.
Tsapkini, K., Jarema, G., & Kehayia, E. (2001). Manifestations of morphological impairments in Greek aphasia: A case study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 14(2-4), 281--296.
Tsapkini, K.(2001). A neurolinguistic and psycholinguistic investigation of morphological processing and representation of verbs and nouns: evidence from Greek.
Tsapkini, K., Kehayia, E., & Jarema, G. (1999). Does phonological change play a role in the recognition of derived forms across modalities? Brain and Language, 68(1-2), 318--323.
Kehayia, E., Jarema, G., Tsapkini, K., Perlak, D., Ralli, A., & Kadzielawa, D. (1999). The role of morphological structure in the processing of compounds: The interface between linguistics and psycholinguistics. Brain and Language, 68(1-2), 370--377.
Jarema, G., Busson, C., Nikolova, R., Tsapkini, K., & Libben, G. (1999). Processing compounds: A cross-linguistic study. Brain and Language, 68(1-2), 362--369.
Tsapkini, K.(1997). Phonological change in derivation: From theoretical construct to psycholinguistic performance.
Iraklidou, S., Masoura, E., Papadopoulou, D., & Tsapkini, K.Subject--Verb agreement in Greek: Evidence from on-line grammaticality judgments and working memory tasks.